What kind of products does CLICKITWHEELS.COM sell?
We offer one of the largest inventories of wheels, tires and packages. All the wheels sold on this website are custom and designer wheels, also known as after-market wheels.
CLICKITWHEELS.COM does not sell OEM (original equipment manufacturer) wheels. However, we offer replica wheels with OEM designs and specifications.
How do I know that the tires/wheels I choose will fit my vehicle?
To the best of our knowledge, the CLICKITWHEELS.COM vehicle make and model search is accurate. Please be aware that if you are installing aftermarket wheels, and/or changing tire sizes you are customizing your vehicle, therefore, they may not fit exactly the same as the factory settings. We guarantee that the products you have purchased will fit your unmodified vehicle, meaning the following:
1. Rims: will bolt on and will not interfere on OEM brakes, suspension, or body components. Rims that require hub centric rings are still considered a correct fitment.
2. Tires: will fall within the approved overall tire diameter, load rating, (and speed rating for non-winter tires).
3. Rim and Tire Packages: The package will bolt on and will not interfere on OEM brakes, suspension, or body components. When you place an order, you must include as much detailed vehicle information as possible. Correct tire and wheel information can usually be found on the inside of the driver’s side door on a sticker.
Why dont you have my vehicle listed in your search tool?
It means your vehicle is either very old or very unique. While we constantly add and update our wheel database, in case you don't see your vehicle listed, you can contact us, and someone from our team will reach out to you for assistance.
Are the posted prices in U.S. or Canadian dollars?
The prices will be the same as your shipping region. To verify or change your shipping region, look for the flag icons at the top right of your screen.
Are the listed prices per one wheel/tire or per set?
Often prices are listed as a set of 4, but if they are listed individually then it should be indicated by "ea" or "(EA)".
How are your wheels packaged?
Wheels are sealed in a box with a cloth cover or a foam sheet on both sides. Further they are wrapped in a plastic bag and packaged professionally to avoid any damage. Our products are delivered with the highest standards.
Where do you ship in US/Canada
We chose FedEx, Purolater, Loomis and Canpar as our reliable partners for shipping purposes. We ship to anywhere as long as FedEx, Purolater or Canpar can deliver to your address. Note that if for any reason we are unable to ship the product to your final destination, a representative will contact you within 1-2 business days with an explanation and your options to either proceed or cancel the order.
What is the cost of shipping?
Shipping is FREE! You may choose to ship your order to your home address (billing address) or an installer of your choice if available in your area. Please note that your order is your responsibility if shipped to an address other than your own. We do not ship internationally.
Can I cancel my order?
If you cancel your order any time prior to shipping, we reserve the right to charge you a re-stocking fee of 15% on the product only. If your order has been shipped, and it is in transit to you, please contact us immediately. We will try to intercept your order and have it returned to us, but please be advised that the credit for the order will be issued as per our Return/Refund Policy and you will be charged for incurred shipping charges both directions.
Can I purchase an odd quantity of wheels or tires?
Yes, you can buy an odd number or less than 4 wheels/rims on many brands. However, some of our wheels can only be sold as a set of four. If you are concerned, please contact us before placing your order. Note, however, you may order as many tires as you need.
I am in Canada. Do I have to pay any duties or other charges when I receive my shipment?
All tires and wheels are sourced from our Canadian distributors. There are no duties or brokerage fees charged on Canadian orders delivered in Canada, or charged to you upon delivery. You will be charged the appropriate GST, HST, PST as described on the payment page.
I am in the U.S. Do I have to pay any duties or other charges when I receive my shipment?
All U.S. orders will be sourced from our U.S. distributors. Therefore, there are no duties charged.
How do I know that the tires/wheels I choose will fit my vehicle?
To the best of our knowledge, the CLICKITWHEELS.COM vehicle, wheel, tire and tire and wheel package selectors are accurate. Please be aware that if you are installing aftermarket wheels, and/or changing tire sizes you are customizing your vehicle, therefore, they may not fit exactly the same as the factory settings. We guarantee that the products you have purchased will fit your unmodified vehicle, meaning the following:
1. Rims: will bolt on and will not interfere on OEM brakes, suspension, or body components. Rims that require hub centric rings are still considered a correct fitment.
2. Tires: will fall within the approved overall tire diameter, load rating, (and speed rating for non-winter tires).
3. Rim and Tire Packages: The package will bolt on and will not interfere on OEM brakes, suspension, or body components. When you place an order, you must include as much detailed vehicle information as possible. Correct tire and wheel information can usually be found on the inside of the driver’s side door on a sticker.
What if my order arrives and no one is at home to receive it?
Every order with a value over $50, requires a signature on delivery (no safe drop option). Our shipping providers will generally attempt delivery to a residential address three times. Each time they attempt delivery, they will leave a slip on the door indicating the delivery attempt. After three attempts they will contact you and usually the order will then have to be picked up at the closest depot.
Is my tire and wheel package mounted and balanced before shipping? Is hardware included?
For Canadian orders, if you are buying a wheel and tire package, you will have the option to mount the tires onto the wheels including Hunter Road Force balancing at an additional cost. For an additional charge an OPTIONAL Wheel Installation Kit (NUTS or BOLTS) is included in your package, which comes with either nuts or bolts (depending on vehicle), hub centric rings (if applicable) and valve stems. We wrap your package in specially designed packaging to ensure safe delivery. If you buy wheels only, they are shipped with the center caps only (if applicable). You do have the option however, to purchase the installation kit at an extra cost.
For U.S. customers, we do not offer a mount and balance option.
How long before my order is shipped?
The amount of time required to process your order and ship it depends on the product purchased, if the product is in stock, and where you are located. During our busiest seasons (fall and spring), order processing time may take up to an additional 5-7 business days. If a product ordered is not in stock and needs to be sourced out, please add 7-10 business days.
- Tire or wheels: we expect 2-5 business days.
- Wheel and Tire Package: we expect approximately 3-5 business days.
Unfortunately there are some instances where the order can be delayed beyond the above terms. We will contact you by email with any updates. Once the order is ready to be shipped, you will receive tracking numbers via email.