How Tires Can Affect Your Car's Performance

Everyone is looking to get the best performance out of their vehicle. Thankfully, there are various methods you can use to accomplish this. One feature that car owners often overlook is the tires. Discover how tires can affect your car’s performance out on the road.


If you’re a car owner who likes to drive fast, then you’ll definitely want to take tires into consideration. Harder tires will give your car better traction, which means they’ll be able to handle top speeds; this is because they don’t have as much grip. If you want to know how fast your car can go, take a look at the speed rating located on the tire. The later on the letter appears in the alphabet, the higher the maximum speed the tire has.


Tires also play a huge factor in how your car handles tough weather conditions. This is in large part due to tire pressure. If your tires are flat, it can be difficult to drive in snow and rain. There are also tries specifically made for the long winter months; they provide the driver with maximum traction. Similarly, summer tires deliver the appropriate traction during the months with warmer temperatures. A third option is general all-season tires, which will improve your car’s performance throughout the year.

Fuel Economy

Another way tires can affect your car’s performance has to do with your car’s fuel economy. According to Metropia, a tire’s air pressure, treads, tire size, and wheel type can all affect fuel economy. Driving around all the time, constantly fueling up on gas, can be taxing on your wallet. Get the best tires for your car so you can save as much money as you can.


Good tires can help keep you safe on the road and even save your life. AAA Newsroom says, “driving on relatively worn tires at highway speeds in wet conditions can increase average stopping distances by a staggering 43 percent, or an additional 87 feet.” Ensure you don’t have worn out tires, so they can handle breaking at a safe distance.